Monday, October 12, 2009

All closed up! Spent the week up north and then shut the cabin down for the winter - see ya in the spring. The weather was pretty lousy - about 6 inches of rain while we were up there and then some snow in the last couple of days. Susan and I still had a nice time. It was just nice to be away.
Had a great dinner at the neighbour's for Thanksgiving. A fantastic meal even though turkey puts me to sleep within an hour.
Still having trouble with beavers blocking up the lake but I have a plan!
I put up a few pics of 2009 from spring to fall - look left.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time for a ramble. I am really looking forward to ten days up north at the cottage. The weather doesn't look great at this point but it will still be nice. This is it - everything gets shut down for the winter. Christopher came up with me last weekend to help me with the heavy stuff - what a great help and it was nice to spend some time with him. I think his favourite part was the hydraulic log splitter - it is a great toy!
Susan is feeling better every day. She still has to take it easy but she is more mobile and can't wait to get up north. We have been doing marathon visits to grandchildren because we won't see them for a while. They are all great! Steve and Sheri seem to be settling into a routine with Alexis - she is a very good baby - these kids got very lucky. Georgia and Claire are growing up so fast. We went to their place in Kitchener for dinner today and had a really nice visit. Trev & Erin have done a wonderful job bringing these two up. Claire insisted I wash her hair at bath time - took me back about 30 years or so.
I have been very busy at work - I need to reconnect with the outside world and I owe a few friends a phone call. I'll catch up!
Booked a spring trip to Florida today - nice to have something to look forward to during the winter.

Kind of a sad day today - I still miss my brother.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Went to a Chamber of Commerce small business expo tonight in Fort Erie. Normally pretty conservative affairs but this one featured a pole dancer and a trained chicken. I don't think I'll wear a suit next time.
Susie is getting better every day. Still housebound and starting to get a little stir crazy. Still hoping she will be fit to go to the cottage for a week in 10 days time. Chris and I are going up this weekend to get some of the work out of the way. It will be nice to have the help and spend some time with him.
Work is insanely busy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

OK - a week ago tonight Susie was crappin' herself about surgery and getting ready for a bowel prep. Too much information? Now, she is doing great! Had a minor slip up by not being totally compliant about her meds, but, my friend Eider who is a physician clipped her lugs and got her back on track - thank you!
Had a good weekend. Chris & Lottie stopped by for a visit to see how Susan was doing - they really care about her. Great Kids! Chris is 40 now - maybe I should stop calling them kids.
Steve & Sheri also stopped by with baby Alexis - she is such a good baby! Susan can't pick her up yet because of the surgery - it's killin' her!
Me? - I am old, cranky and I have a nasty case of bursitis in my knee! I don't mind being cranky, but the other two suck!

Pic is Susan doing recovery on the balcony.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Well now, I was flicking around the TV tonight and came across "Strange Brew". Had to watch it!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well, 2 pees and they let you out of jail. Success today! Got Susan home at about 6:00 p.m. today - gotta love Toronto rush hour traffic.
She is right into bed and sleeping - that is her biggest defence mechanism and it works. She is still very sore but we got some great meds and, overall, things are looking good. Four laproscopic incisions - her belly looks like a mini-putt course!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Things went well today - Susie is going to be fine -will update sortly.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

OK - how about the Kitchener crew. Georgia started Grade 1 this week - it has kinda hit me how fast these kids are growing up. She is in the French Immersion program and seems to be adapting readily - Erin walked into her room the other night and Georgia was singing French songs - she will thrive on this. Claire is having a little more trouble adjusting to her new school - she is 3 yrs old - we'll see what happens, but, Erin and Trevor will do the right thing.
Chris and Lottie had the girls for the weekend - Toronto Zoo and some toenail painting I am sure - these kids are lucky! Fantastic aunt and uncle!

Trevor is away on a "fishing" weekend - they go up north where there are supposed to be fish but when you have poker and beer as a backup - who cares?

Getting ready for Susie's surgery tomorrow - she is quite nervous and I guess I will be glad when it is over as well. Spent some time with baby Alexis today which was good therapy for Grandma. I have hooked up a TV and DVD player in the bedroom so Susan can lay back and watch movies all day while recovering - that is heaven for her! She'll be off work for 6 weeks so we have to raid all of the movie sources we can find - picked up about 30 today from Steve and Sheri.

Steve is enjoying being in the working world and is already lining up his plans for his first few paychecks - in a 20 minute conversation last week he spent about $45,000!! Start slowly - get the iPhone.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The long weekend at the cottage was fantastic. Corn roast with the neighbours on Saturday and a great day on Sunday as well. Not sure what is happening with the old boat yet - have to look into it a bit more to see if it is worth keeping alive for a bit longer.
Susan is getting ready for surgery on the 14th. She had the pre-op today at Women's College Hospital in Toronto. They were very thorough, informative and efficient. As hospitals go, this place is terrific so far. Let's face it, anyone who looks forward to surgery is whacko but Susan is looking forward to the results afterwards. No lifting, vaccuuming etc for 6 weeks - a man's work is never done! Apparently, she is allowed to go to the cottage for a couple of weeks. Great place to recuperate!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Really looking forward to going up to the cottage this weekend - it has been too long. Gonna pull the old boat out and do some tests but I think she may be retired soon - partly my fault but it will be sad to see the old girl go if that is the way it works out. She has been part of my life for 24 years, which is longer than either of my marriages - so far!
Got some steaks and crab for dinners - it is going to be a feast!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Had a pretty good day at work and a very nice evening. Went over to Steve and Sheri's and had a nice visit with the kids and baby Alexis. She seems to be settling into a nice routine now, which means Steve and Sheri will be able to do the same shortly. Grandma Suze had a really nice cuddle with Alexis - she is still smiling!
I have a feeling the kids will be able to get out for some nice fall walks with Alexis before the winter nonsense hits.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Had a great day on Saturday the 29th. Went into Toronto to meet up with my longtime friend at the Hobby show. The show was pretty strange with everyone dressed up as superheroes or horror film characters - caught me by surprise. I had no idea how many people were really into this stuff.
The visit with my buddy was fantastic. We hadn't seen each other in a long time and we did a lot of catching up. It was so good to see him!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Looking forward to Saturday - going to Toronto for the day to visit and catch up with a very good old friend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It has been a very busy week. On the 24th of August, my stepson Steven Hill and his wife Sheri had a baby girl - Alexis Elizabeth Kennedy Hill. Everyone is doing fine.
Then it was off to a birthday party on the 26th for my granddaughter Claire - she turned 3 but insists she is 6. We went up to Kitchener for the clebrations
Just getting started on this blogging thing - we'll see how it goes.