Monday, October 12, 2009

All closed up! Spent the week up north and then shut the cabin down for the winter - see ya in the spring. The weather was pretty lousy - about 6 inches of rain while we were up there and then some snow in the last couple of days. Susan and I still had a nice time. It was just nice to be away.
Had a great dinner at the neighbour's for Thanksgiving. A fantastic meal even though turkey puts me to sleep within an hour.
Still having trouble with beavers blocking up the lake but I have a plan!
I put up a few pics of 2009 from spring to fall - look left.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time for a ramble. I am really looking forward to ten days up north at the cottage. The weather doesn't look great at this point but it will still be nice. This is it - everything gets shut down for the winter. Christopher came up with me last weekend to help me with the heavy stuff - what a great help and it was nice to spend some time with him. I think his favourite part was the hydraulic log splitter - it is a great toy!
Susan is feeling better every day. She still has to take it easy but she is more mobile and can't wait to get up north. We have been doing marathon visits to grandchildren because we won't see them for a while. They are all great! Steve and Sheri seem to be settling into a routine with Alexis - she is a very good baby - these kids got very lucky. Georgia and Claire are growing up so fast. We went to their place in Kitchener for dinner today and had a really nice visit. Trev & Erin have done a wonderful job bringing these two up. Claire insisted I wash her hair at bath time - took me back about 30 years or so.
I have been very busy at work - I need to reconnect with the outside world and I owe a few friends a phone call. I'll catch up!
Booked a spring trip to Florida today - nice to have something to look forward to during the winter.

Kind of a sad day today - I still miss my brother.